Beat The Bugs – Our Guide To A Fly Free Summer

Summer is finally here and there is so much to look forward to so don’t let the flies get in the way. Now is the perfect time to make sure you have some tools in your armoury to keep your horses from suffering too badly with the flypocalypse that is coming our way!   
Top tip: Flies can quickly and easily spread infection. So a good quality fly mask is an essential summer must-have. Designed to keep the flies away from your horse’s delicate eyes. 
Some horseware technology:

Vamoose® Technology

Horseware’s innovative Vamoose® Technology involves the rugs being treated with an effective and powerful anti-insect technology called Permethrin which comes from naturally occurring biocide found in the Chrysanthemum flower.. It is also UV Protected keep harmful UV rays out.   The Vamoose doesn’t adversely affect your horse just those pesky flies. It will last on the rug up to 25 washes… GOODBYE FLIES!  

Evolution – Advanced Colour Technology

The in your face colours which might make our heads turn. However, it definitely make those pesky flies turn the completely opposite direction. There is always a silver lining. Recent studies have discovered that insects can be attracted to certain colours and repelled by others; they are naturally attracted to yellows and whites, but also to large blocks of dark colour resembling hides or rumps.

However, colours like light green or aqua, mixed with orange won’t register when seen in the UV spectrum, therefore the insects are deterred from these colour combinations and are less likely to land on rugs of this colour.

Yes, this is a bold statement. But before you laugh it really does work. Don’t believe us? Read more about the Amigo Three-In-One with and without Vamoose in our tried and tested blog to find out more.
Top tip: If your horse suffers badly with itchy lumps caused by fly bites. Try using the NAF Love The SKIN He’s In wash to soothe them. It’s lovely stuff!
The best in the business fly rugs 

Rambo®  Hoody Vamoose Fly Rug -constructed with a fully breathable close woven and tough 1000D polyester to prevent irritation and treated with Rambo’s ‘Vamoose Technology’ to keep flies and irritating insects at bay… read more here

Amigo Three-In-One Evolution Vamoose – Disc Front -The Amigo Three-In-One Evolution Vamoose cleverly combines the protection of a lightweight turnout and a fly rug in one, making it your go-to solution for changeable summer weather… read more here 

Gallop All In One Fly Rug – The Gallop All In One Fly Rug is ideal for providing your horse with summer protection at an incredible price! This Gallop fly rug has a tight weave mesh outer with a large tail flap. Also, features full belly flap to prevent irritation from even the smallest of flies and insects… read more here 

Amigo Flyrider – The Amigo Flyrider is made from a superior lightweight and breathable polyester skrim fabric, which is super absorbent, wicking away excess sweat…read more here 

Weatherbeeta ComFiTec Airflow Detach-A-Neck – The Weatherbeeta ComFiTec Airflow Detach-A-Neck is a soft and durable polyester mesh fly rug, giving your horse premium protection from the sun and biting insects…read more here 

We also have a range of fly masks to suit all you horses needs to keep those flies at bay this summer. 

So they are now armed for battle in the field and while out riding. It’s now time to top up that defence with some fly spray. This is all about personal preference and what works for your horse. 
Top tip: Before going into a ring or starting a dressage test spray some fly spray onto a sponge. Rub around your horses face especially around their ears. 
Our top pick of fly repellents

For the flies:

Leovet Phaser Fly Spray 

Great for combating horseflies, ticks and all biting and non-biting flies. This is a great fly spray to have in the lorry to use at competitions.  It’s one of our Best Selling Fly Sprays, Leovet Phaser offers maximum protection against insects and horse flies throughout the summer season. It delivers 7 hours of protection even when a horse sweats…read more here 

The all rounder: 

Barrier Healthcare Super Plus Fly Repellent

This is a great fly spray for around the yard and out hacking. It 100% natural formula fights against all blood sucking and nuisance flying insects including midge, bot, horsefly, house, stables and black flies, and stops the need to rub. …read more here 


For the sensitive ones:

Fly Away Citronella Free Midge Away

Is great for the sensitive ones.  Fly Away Citronella Free Midge Away is a powerful and effective midge and fly repellent. It contains no citronella, making it suitable for even sensitive horses. It is made from a super strength NATURAL herbal formula. Not only this but it also repels ALL midges, biting insects & flies… read more here

Your horse is now equipped to beat the bugs. Paddocks that needs poo picking will attract more flies than others. Try to stay away from rivers and ponds as if your horse suffers from sweetitch. This is not a good mix!

Bring your horse in during the day. It will give them a break from they flies and away from the heat. Fly rug is not for you then this would be the best solution to keep flies away. 
Tip: Disinfect the stable before the summer, it  will reduce the bugs and flies in your yard. Don’t forget flies do not like clean places. 
If you find that your horse is itchy or uncomfortable in the stable you can try a cool bath with a shampoo or washes such as NAF Teatree Oil Shampoo, Barrier Animal Healthcare Lavender Wash or Barrier Citrus Wash. 

On a last note if you horse does get bitten by the flies, cool the inflamed skin with cold water or if they become itchy and have a number of bites use a suitable, mild shampoo which will not irritate the skin as soon as possible to stop this. Good products to use should contain soothing anti-itch ingredients. These include as witch hazel, aloe vera, chamomile and zinc to reduce rubbing. 

To read more about how to combate read our fly bite blog here 

This is our guide to combating the flies this summer. If you have any tips you would like to share with us please get in contact

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