New to Equine Superstore is the Weatherbeeta Therapy-Tec range. This universal technology can be used by horses and dogs. It’s designed to increase muscle function to reduce the risk of injury while warming up by preparing them for exercise. It also assists in recovery after work by reducing lactic acid build up, which can decrease recovery time, and improving the healing process of prior injuries.
A Bit About The Range…
Featured above is the Weatherbeeta Therapy-Tec Fleece Dog Coat
These rugs can be used on any coat type. As long as it comes into contact with the coat the Therapy-Tec Rugs will work their magic.
The fleeces are made from a breathable material. Designed to wicks moisture away keeping them dry and comfortable.
Top Tips:
Can be used before and after exercise
Can be worn 12 hours a day. Although we recommend you build it up to that and start off with 30 minutes to 1 hour on the first go
Increase time on the dog/horse slowly to allow the body to adjust
How It Works…
Featured above is the Weatherbeeta Therapy-Tec Combo Neck Fleece
Ceramic Fabric Technology:
Ceramic powders have been blended into the lining for a warming therapeutic effect. This is a powerful thermal insulator typically used in space shuttles to insulate and reflect radiation. The ceramic powder helps reflect body heat back onto the animal to warm them up and improve circulation. The moisture wicking properties and the breathable fabric stop them from getting too hot. Don’t worry, the fabric has been designed so the powder will not wash out. The rug is machine washable at 30ºC. For more information on care please read the enclosed instructions.
Increase Circulation:
The Therapy-Tec rug will help increase circulation due to the warming effects. Here are the main benefit of this:
Perfect to use before or after exercise. The rug will help increase the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues and vital organs. This helps them work to their best ability
Increased blood circulation will help aid recovery
Helps fight infections and reduce problems associated with poor circulation such as swelling to limbs
Featured above is the Weatherbeeta Therapy-Tec Standard Neck Fleece
Muscle Function:
Good circulation can also improve the function of the muscles. This is due to the rich supply of nutrients and oxygen to the tissue. This helps muscles to perform better.
The Therapy-Tec rug can help warm up the horses muscles before exercise. Perfect in those colder months, but also can help build and repair muscles after exercise. It also helps to prevent the build up of lactic acid and ease any strains and pair. Ideal for those older horses or dogs.
Recovery Process:
The recovery process is incredibly important whether your horse is in full competitive work or not. Blood that is carried around the body is known for carrying oxygen, white blood cells and nutrients; which all help with the recovery process. When the blood circulation is increased more blood is going to the working muscles helping them to recover quicker. It can also help to encourage the animals natural immune system to fight back against inflammation.
The Therapy-Tec rug is excellent at helping to repair and relax the muscles after exercise. It may also have small additional benefits like helping with stiffness and muscle fatigue.
If you’d like to know more please drop us a message or check out our product pages for the range here >